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People First Dorset


Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here this week talking team work. The reason being because today I, Emily, am wearing my new Comic Relief t-shirt which says ‘Team work makes the dream work’.

I like this slogan because it makes me realise that with a bit of help you can conquer anything. Take my job, without the support of Stepping Stones, I struggled to get a job. I always wanted to work in a care home, don’t know why, so I’m really pleased that I do now. It also makes me feel proud because did you know only 6% of people with a learning disability in England have a paid job. How bad is that! We wonder, do employers need training to understand us better and trust we are just as good as the next person, who knows maybe even better?

I, Emily am looking forward to seeing how we work as a team in my new home. Will we have a cleaning rota I wonder?

Another example of good team work is the Friendship Club at People First Dorset where I, William, am on its Steering Group. Our job is to oversee the club and help to run events. We’ve made sure the club works really well, and it feels great being part of this successful team.

All my other jobs involve team work. I especially like working at the Garden Centre where I spend the days with different groups of staff outside in the plant area. I love working in the fresh air, and being part of the team, especially as we get on well and I feel appreciated.

What makes a dream team? We think key is showing each other respect, being understanding, mutual support and giving others a helping hand, praising and appreciating good work and always a bit of humour!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club– a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset

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