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People First Dorset

Garden Party at Buckingham Palace

Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here this week telling you all about William’s trip to a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace last week.

I, Emily, have asked William a lot of questions about his day out, and this is a summary of what he said. And yes, I am jealous as it sounds like he had a great day!

I, William, was chosen because of all the voluntary work I do, like at the Friendship Club for People First Dorset, the Borough Gardens and Eucan. I felt very proud to be asked to go to Buckingham Palace and I was really excited about the day.

I went with my friend Dick, and when we arrived at the palace, we had to wait in a massive queue for about an hour which was fine except it poured with rain! Luckily we had umbrellas although we still got soaking wet as it rained nearly all day. To get in we showed the police our invitation, passport and birth certificates, before walking through to the gardens.

We first went into a big marque where I chose sandwiches, vol-au-vonts, cake and a cup of tea. Then Prince Charles, Camilla and Princess Anne came out of the palace. They were introduced to some people at the front. Luckily I could see them really closely which was good.

Dick and I looked around the gardens which were really big and well looked after, with some lovely flower beds.

We were there about two hours. When we left we took a taxi back to the car and Dick drove us home to Dorchester. We got home about 10pm by which time I was feeling very tired. I slept really well that night.

The whole day was really good, except of course for the rain!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff

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